Sardonic Sistah Says

Observations… Ruminations… Ponderances… & Rants from Another Perspective

Archive for May 23rd, 2007

The New Minority on the Dating Scene: White Males

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A few years ago I was having dinner with my friend Bri when he began to lament his propects on the dating scene.

“I tell you, Nay, its hard out there for a guy like me to get a date,” Bri opined while buttering his bread.  “No one is dating white men anymore.  No one!  You like Asian guys, Bethany likes black guys, Trace is dating the hispanics and Rachel is living with an Austrian.”

“But Austrians are white…”

“Yeah, but its not the same thing,” he quipped and went on and on about the plight of the diminishing white male on the dating scene.

I want to feel sorry for him.  I do.  Science Fiction has promised us a lot of things that its reneged on.  Like jet packs, our own personal flying cars, interplanetary travel and, for white men, the joy of macking all across the galaxy.  When Captain Kirk was locking lips with every green, purple and polka dot honey across the galaxy (accept he had to be forced to kiss Lieut’ Uhura, but I’ll save it for another post) I’m sure every young hetero white boy was watching the screen and thinking of their own manifest destiny, if not across the universe but at least across the globe.

But for Bri he claims that’s just not happening right now.  I think he’s just feeling a bit sorry for himself because on the superficial dating hierarchy his category (SWM) may not be at the top but it’s definitely not at the bottom.  But it appears there are a lot of SWM feeling the same way as Bri and they are not going to take it anymore even if they have to start a 12 step group to do it.

Someone the other day pointed me to White Males Anonymous, which is a group for white males who want to,  in my estimation, take back their sexual dominance across the planet.  The hottest women, be they black, white, yellow, brown, or red belong to them.   They sit back and think about the days before the women’s movement and posture how white women are the ones who in the biggest IR dating group although all stats show that AF/WMs have the biggest numbers.

The site says its against racism (kudos for that) but I can’t help but feel that women are viewed a bit like chattel and get an overwhelming sense of self pity.  With all things beginning to level off (accept for Black Women and Asian Men) in the IR dating field won’t there be some people that will come out the losers on all sides if they don’t step up their game?  If Waldo doesn’t get the perfect abs (or at least a good IRA) won’t he lose out to Tyrone the baller or Wen-cho the tax accountant?

In a recent study it showed that most women want to date within their own racial groups, especially black women.  Most men had to earn more than the men in their racial group before most of the women would consider dating out.  So its not necessarily women looking at men for their looks, but for security, which is what we have done throughout history.

I ran into Bri today.  He’s still single, but I think he likes to be single.  The last time he cried the whoa is me song an Asian girl took him home for the night.  She didn’t see him again because he wasn’t in the right financial bracket.

Written by rentec

23 May, 2007 at 9:47 pm

Not really big on intros

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So, if you want to see what my other blogs have been like then find me on MySpace.   Personally, I like to start with a clean slate so you might to just want to read the next entry.

Written by rentec

23 May, 2007 at 7:07 pm

Posted in Uncategorized