Sardonic Sistah Says

Observations… Ruminations… Ponderances… & Rants from Another Perspective

Who Rocks it Better: Cocoa Avenue vs 4Minute

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This song is now stuck in my head, both versions. So for me it’s a toss up on who is doing it better.

I present the original:

And the remake, which is only a few weeks older:

Coco Avenue’s cover definitely has more soul, which I’m used to.

Which, for me, leads me back to the question of black fans for KPop: where are we in that genre, can we love the music and not expect anything back from the performers we love and why is it many of the artists and record labels that are pursuing entry into our tough markets aiming more for mainstream white audiences instead of targeting specific genres like R&B, soul and forming alliances with black artists?

I guess that’s a topic for another day but I’d love to hear your thoughts as my nascent ideas begin to form. Drop your opinions below as well as who won between these two groups. For me: tie.


Written by rentec

18 April, 2016 at 3:39 pm

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  1. I like the 4Minute version, but only because that’s the only version that played. The Cocoa Avenue video seems to have been removed from everywhere. I’d probably be more inclined to hear more from Cocoa Avenue than 4Minute because i’m more interested in black women overall. Still, i tend to go for the original version of most songs anyway. As for your question, i think we can’t expect anything from the artists we enjoy beyond making the best music and acknowledging the entirety of their audience. White audiences are looked at as more “loyal” and long-term supportive than black(or nonwhite) audiences. Not to mention, white audiences are looked at as having purchasing power.


    27 April, 2016 at 11:59 pm

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