Sardonic Sistah Says

Observations… Ruminations… Ponderances… & Rants from Another Perspective

Archive for October 26th, 2008

What Stephen King Says About Sarah Palin

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My daughter and husband think I’m a punk because I watch scary movies through my fingers and sometimes run out of the room when scenes hint at violence. 

Okay, maybe I am a punk. 

For the last few days I’ve been getting into the mood for Halloween by watching scary movies.  Usually I wouldn’t, but lately I’ve been finding horror movies to be less scary than what’s happening on the campaign trail.

The King of Horror must think this race is frightening, too.  In a Salon interview with Steven King he drew parallels between one of his fictional characters and a certain campaign figure.

Questions of politics are never very far away in “The Stand.” Once the plague has come and gone, society has to be reformed. Do you think of it as a political novel, in any sense?

I did see it that way. I’ve always been a political novelist, and those things have always interested me. “Firestarter” is a political novel. “The Dead Zone” is a political novel. There’s that scene in “The Dead Zone” where Johnny Smith sees Greg Stillson in the future starting a nuclear war. Around my house we kinda laugh when Sarah Palin comes on TV, and we say, “That’s Greg Stillson as a woman.”

In case you forgot how scary he was check out this clip:

I know I would hate to run into the hardcore McCain supporters on Halloween. 

Oh, yeah, Sarah Palin is pretty scary, too.

(peeking at the videos through my fingers)

I’m so scared.  Hold me.

Written by rentec

26 October, 2008 at 10:33 pm